This clock was donated to me from a friend and had been saved from an industrial building however after a quick bit of research I believe it was originally designed for a ship. 

Even though at first sight it looks completely wrecked every thing is there and it would appear that at some point in its life it had been painted black!!

The movement also seems intact and complete, although over wound so initially I have removed to balance to allow the mechanism to unwind and all seems fine if a little sticky! Next will be to completely strip down the movement and clean, inspect and polish every single part. Once I am happy with every individual part I will re assemble the movement and then set upon running a it on bench test for a week or so homing in the balance so that the clock keeps accurate time. 

After the movement is compleat and running I will turn my attention to the casing and face, the face seems to be beyond salvage so I will use trusty eBay to see if I can find a direct replacement. As far as the casing is concerned I hope that once I have carefully removed all of the black paint it should just be a case of policing up the old brass, this of course will take time and I am expecting this part of the restoration to be the longest and most tedious! 

I will post more up dates with pictures soon.........

The movement is now stripped down and I have started cleaning and polishing all of the parts, you can see a quick "before and after" of the main plates! I also I had a quick go at the casing.......

The movement is now finish and I will now bench test it for a few days to check everything is running ok and that she is keeping good time.